Saturday, March 22, 2008

K-BLOG - Re. "White Death"


Hi! This is Kenzie in the K-Blog. By the way, when we had "White Death", I walked a couple of houses down the street, and my legs were dead. Well, at least they felt dead. But the WORST part was coming back up the street. The snow was blowing in my direction, so I had snow in my face. When I FINALLY got home, I was crying because my face was so cold. And not only that, but my birthday party was canceled that day, too. Thanks to the snow. I had EVERYTHING planned for my sleepover party, but the snow ruined it. I wanted that day to go perfectly, but of course it didn't. Oh, and my way back to my house, this man yelled at me because I was knocking over the snow. HELLO! My legs are dead and I'm miserable, so thanks ALOT! Well, obviously I had a terrible day that day. Thank you for reading my sadness.

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